Hue is a puzzle platformer where by changing the background color of the levels, you reveal or hide level elements of various colors. The color shifting is a clever system, and while I had seen similar concepts before, including some of my own short-lived proofs of concept, I haven't seen it done in a fully fledged game. There are a number of different puzzle elements that work together to make quite complex puzzles. While I wouldn't say the game is difficult, there were definitely some later levels that stumped for a time. The story is only told via letters from the player character's mother, and while I liked the story and the voice acting, it doesn't integrate itself into the gameplay too well. It's a solid game, but rather repetitive. The only progression you get is additional colors to swap to. While the levels do get more difficult, they don't utilize all the colors in tandem. A fun but plain game that was worth the free price.

Reviewed on Jun 02, 2023
