The closest we'll get to another Shadow the Hedgehog game, Solar Ash is a 3D platformer where you travel across a... black hole I think? defeating creatures in an attempt to save your home. Let's start off with the positives. This game is really pretty. It has a very colorful and unique aesthetic with enough variety in its locales to keep things interesting. This concludes the things I liked about this game. That's not entirely fair, because I nearly like many aspects of this game, but they all ended up falling flat for me. The movement starts off enjoyable, but I found the platforming puzzles very tedious and imprecise. The story concept is interesting, but it isn't very deep and hard to follow. The combat seems quick and fast paced, but has annoying enemy designs and a bizarre health system. Across the board this is a game that I should've really enjoyed but I ended up forcing myself to finish. I'm sure there are some people out there who really enjoy this game, but it's certainly not for me.

Reviewed on Jul 08, 2023
