Definitely has it's problems but I couldn't help but love it. Fujibayshi & Mori crafted fantastic story from minor references in backstory text, offhand comments, minor aspects of illustrations and other little details from the series' previous entries.

Criticism is often directed at the games linearity and repetitiveness but I didn't find that to be a problem for me, Twilight Princess' sad excuse for an open world felt far more linear than the areas here, which all open up with various shortcuts through your first run, making the areas anything but linear on returns trips. as for those return trips, it doesn't feel very repetitive as most of repeat visits are spent in new areas or the old areas are completely transformed, and going through the sections of old areas quicker and easier than before gives a great sense of progression.

The motion controls worked well for me despite a few hiccups (slightly better on Wii than switch) and it's all worth it for that fantastic final boss fight.

Reviewed on Oct 21, 2021
