This is a game I've wanted to play as long as I can remember and finally gave up hope that it would ever exist, but as release came closer, and especially after replaying the first two I began to wonder if this should exist at all. Monkey 2 is such a perfect statement, what reason is there for more? Besides the fact that it's long been believed that Ron had alway's intended to produce a trilogy, but it's been clear from recent interviews that his concept for a Monkey 3 was vague at best, and he left LucasArts of his own free will to create his own company. However it's clear not only from interviews, but from just playing the game, this only exists because Ron and Dave had something to say with it.

It could be argued the thematic point of all three of Ron's Monkey Island games is the same, and told with less subtlety each time. But I think there's enough off a difference between them to warrant their existence. Plus the context behind this one does give it some more weight.

I dunno... It's just beautiful... American games rarely try to say anything, but Ron is one of the few real auteurs in the space. I'm so glad he's back, and hopefully continuing to make these kind of games.

God this game looks beautiful too, anyone complaining about the art direction can shut the hell up.

Reviewed on Sep 22, 2022
