This is the game of my life, i love everything (maybe not Mementos?), i just love the art, the UI, the characters, the story, the music in this game was what dictated my musical taste throughout my life, is the better OST i've ever heard (and i played Nier). I can't express the love I feel for this game.

I know it's stupid from an objective point of view, but I find this version so much more exciting than the Royal one.

That's it, I just wanted to express how much I love this game, it took me from rock bottom in the worst phase of my life, that's all.

Reviewed on Mar 03, 2024


2 months ago

You should try emulating Shin Megami Tensei IV. It's been the only game to measure up to Persona 5's soundtrack for me. Although, Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne was very close as well. SMT IV has a unique sound like Persona 5 does, except it's the complete opposite end of the spectrum.

2 months ago

I do recommend an undub patch, as some of the English voices are hit or miss.