actual garbage

firstly the two protags are annoying as hell and honestly remind me of the popular girls from high school who talk behind everyones back. i dont know whats up with game devs nowadays and making super unlikeable young protagonists, same kind of shit in far cry 3 where you just know these are the kind of mfs who will call you ugly to your face for not being an 8/10 and will proceed to tell you to go chug a gallon of bleach. also as someone who lived in texas for 90% of their life their texan accents sound way too fake in this one compared to bj blazkowicz's

secondly the game is super grindy. i dont know why the fuck they decided to make grinding for upgrades before you do the main missions a thing but it is one of the main reasons i abandoned it. fuck this formula and the next time i buy a game that isnt an RPG with that same formula im instant refunding it

thirdly its really easy to die without said upgrades. and this shit is very true to its word in 1980s fashion, as when you die you have to restart the level ALL OVER AGAIN like a game on the NES with the enemies in the same positions and everything too

fourthly even if youre destroying every crate in the game the enemies are absolute ammo hogs and it is easy to run out of ammo. its nice when ur up against two supersoldiers about to gangbang the shit out of you and you run out of ammo but they took literally every single bit of lead you had loaded in your guns anyways

fifthly as a native texan this bothers me a lot, why the fuck did they portray mesquite, texas as a semiarid grassland with large hills??? not to mention they portray it as being way out in the country when its a populated suburb that is literally 5 miles from downtown dallas?????????????? in real life its a flat grassland and there's barely any trees. thats how i know that absolutely none of the people from the original id software, a TEXAS based company, actually worked on this piece of crap

ive been trying to play every wolfenstein game out there, and i even played through the absolutely awful spear of destiny mission packs, but i dont think im gonna ever play this one again. i also tried not to listen to the people who said this game sucks but they're 100% correct. i dont know what the hell they did with this one, they really had everything pinned down well with the first three reboot games (new order, old blood, colossus 2) but holy shit youngblood is actually unplayable

Reviewed on Jul 24, 2021
