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Time Played

210h 0m

Platforms Played


I've had to forcefully remove myself from this game multiple times for my own mental state. Do NOT play ranked if you want a chill gaming experience. You WILL get teammates that WILL piss you off in ways never before imagined. While the rush of a close game does feel quite good, you'll be ready to rip your Switch of the dock and onto the floor due to losing a 3rd ranked match in a row, due to teammates that have NO idea how to play a MOBA. While you may find some genuinely cool and good people playing the game, the vast majority of the time you'll find people who are eh or even just plain bad at the game.

While I do not agree that this game is P2W, cosmetics are disgustingly overpriced. (~$40 for a different looking Lucario). When this game first dropped, I spent a few bucks here and there, but I wouldn't be caught dead spending more than $10 om this game.

Overall, the game isn't terrible, but it will almost certainly put you in a terrible mood.