4 Reviews liked by aruberuto

A game that had so much promise, that gave up so quickly. I adored this game when I first got my xbox 1, but it was probably slightly ahead of it's time as they had shut their servers off before a lot of people even had the console. If they launched a couple of years later, it probably would've blown up more than it ultimately did.

Wow, I really didn't think they could top the improvements made in Going Commando. Insomniac did it! They made a worthy sequel, a spectacular cap to a trilogy, and just an excellent 3D action platformer.

There's so much here I could talk about. Dr. Nefarious is an insane villain, wiping Chairman Drek and Abercrombie Fizzwidget off their thrones. The plot is over-the-top, action-packed, and the most engaging in the entire trilogy, leading the two protagonists and other returning cast into an all-out war against robots. Comedy remains intact and better than ever, and the weapons systems are perfected upon. Even the mini-games implemented into some of these gadgets are awesome, from the Tempest clone presented while hacking to the hilarious dialogue game being played while in disguise. And admittedly, these boss fights are some of the best I've ever seen in a PS2 game.

If I had to mark this game down for something though, it would probably be the overuse of Galactic Ranger missions. I can understand from a story standpoint why they made these side missions part of the main path, but I just wish they weren't absolutely necessary to complete in order to progress through the game. (Some of them are kinda unbalanced and require weapon grinding.)

Other than that, I was really quite surprised by how much I enjoyed this one over the first two. It's one hell of a ride.

Fun and silly. Deserves a sequel.