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1 day

Last played

April 9, 2015

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This review contains spoilers

this game is truly one of the games of all time
its good, the soundtrack is good, and the story is surely one that will stick with you for a while but for all the wrong reasons. napoleon bonaparte is the main fucking antagonist and the players dad reawakened him from the dead.
you play as raphael, an 18 year old french orphan boy who is a known thief in paris. the twist of his character is that all of the stolen art are actually fakes/dupes, and that hes a good guy but seems morally grey at first glance. the twist is actually really refreshing and not something you can guess right as you get to the first cutscene like with many other games. still, the music is phenomenal and every single track absolutely slaps. the insanity of the story makes the game even funnier and more memorable, and i dont mean that in a bad way! the fact that they managed to fit in so many insane things and still make it engaging and well-written is part of the magic of rhythm thief. if youre a fan of rhythm games and video game soundtracks then i wholeheartedly encourage you to play this game immediately.