i fucking love xenoblade chronicles. both 1 and 2 are some of my favorite games of all time, and i hail 1 as one of the greatest games ever made.

This game is short of either. It is far from the masterpiece anyone tells you it is. It is a lukewarm 60% at BEST and it baffles me that anyone can say it's something more than that.

Everything that the series has been known for narratively has been absolutely diminished, the antagonists suck, the main characters story arc sucks, and the game holds back from being soul crushingly depressing.

It could have been good. Everything is right there! Yet somewhere, somehow, it just fucking sucks. The only thing this game has going for me is A: the graphics/artstyle, B: the really well rounded main cast, and C: the gameplay, and thats a kind of.

I could go on for fucking ever on how this game has disappointed me immeasurably, but I don't really want to. Lord pray that the DLC is on the same par as Torna.

Reviewed on Jan 08, 2023
