Every Pixar Movie Tie-in Game

In order of release.
Yes, I'm gonna play them all. Or at least try to.
No, games like Cars Race-o-Rama and Rise of The Underminer don't count as those are original stories. This list is for games released alongside the movie's theatrical release that are loosely based on the original movie.
One entry per movie, UK based (Monster's Inc. for the PS2 in the UK was a port of Scream Team).

While the USA got this game on the PS1 and got a proper movie tie-in game for Monster's, Inc. on the PS2, the UK instead got this game on both PS1 and PS2.
Since I'm using this list as a reference to when I eventually play all of these games, this game is on here for the time being as for me it's the definitive Monster's video game.

If I ever get my hands on a copy of the game that uses the plot I'll be sure to replace it on that list, but for the time being this one stays.
I've not yet played this game so I'm not actually sure if it takes place after the movie or if it is the movie, but it released around the same time as it so here it is.
I'm not sure if this counts as a "movie tie-in game" but it's here as it's the only game that lets you play through the events of Incredibles 2.


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