SYNTHETIK is an absolutely fantastic game. The presentation is simple and concise, being all it needs and not much more. The sound design is fantastic, too, with everything feeling weighty in its own way.

The main star of this game is its gunplay. It's incredibly snappy and accurate, with not much to figure out past point and shoot. This works in its favor, as with the extra balancing of its very unique reloading mechanic. Reloads are ENTIRELY manual. You eject a magazine, you load one back in, and can hit the right timing to reload faster. This system is simple at its core, yes, but ends up creating a very engaging game in the longer run.

There's definitely a story, but it's not anything you really ever need to think about. Can't dock points for a story that clearly is just meant to set up cool gameplay. Things look cool, feel cool, and sound cool. Not much else to it.

My only real complaint is the lack of co-op with more than 2 people, but this isn't really enough to majorly hurt the game. Definitely gonna keep playing in the future.

Reviewed on Oct 09, 2022
