The puzzles are okay, but most of them are similar to puzzles found in either Ocarina of Time or Twilight Princess, except much simpler. The plot is basically Breath of the Wild meets Link to the Past, but it's also somewhat inconsequential. Combat is similar to Wind Waker's, but not nearly as good. Party AI is bad, but the voice acting is good. The visuals are excellent. This is a very pretty game with an extremely good lighting engine. In terms of art style, it seems to have taken some inspiration from both the Zelda and the Dragon Quest franchises. Exploration is okay, but it's incredibly reminiscent of Wind Waker's exploration.

In case I didn't make it obvious enough, this game lacks a sense of self-identity. Most of the concepts and ideas present in it are also present in other games that execute those very same things better.

Just play Zelda.

Reviewed on Mar 14, 2021
