I remember how magazines were writing at that time: well, people were starting to get tired of Tomb Raider games since they were not changed, and Eidos sold us the same game again and again.
Just remind you that professional reviewers never play games and tell random words about everything.
While Tomb Raider 1 was a perfect game, and Tomb Raider 2 was action-based DLC with fresh ideas in levels, Tomb Raider 3 is sadistic torture for a healthy mind.
I had a good first impression, and I remember from being a kid how different stories, levels, and costumes in this one. So I thought: ok, probably at the end of the day I will give it good review with a mark "can't recommend but I loved it".
I still can't recommend it and I don't love it. I dropped it right before last chapter, or I should say I rage-quitted it and going to never touch this piece again.
People often remember how brutal traps are in here, there are many places where the game doesn't give a chance to the player and one-shot him just because it is funny I believe. It is not a big problem since we can save game any time.
But endless backtracking and total lack of sense or logic, these things killed me before I completed it.
And this makes me mad. On paper, Tomb Raider 3 is great, it has enough good ideas and features, and it felt different from previous entries. But it is insanely painful to play, to rinse and repeat many areas, to wander around without any clue about what the last button opened.

Reviewed on Mar 09, 2024
