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This is to me what RPGs are to the people that played games in 90s. I was 7 years old and between the difficulty that one feels as a kid and the awe inspiring setpieces such as the Omaha Beach it became a monumental experience and defined what a great immersive game means for me.

Call of Duty which was released a year later surpassed it in almost every aspect but the primal impact of playing a World War shooter, well, a 3D shooter that is not Doom or Wolfenstein, for the first time in my life would never be repeated. For this reason alone, this is to me a gaming standard and this is why I still prefer the gameplay aspects over the RPG aspects for example in Fallout 4 and why I prefer it over New Vegas, which had a horribly boring gameplay and terrible shooting mechanics even for its time.

i.e.: I never played Baldur's Gate or sat with friends to a session of Dungeons and Dragons. But I grew up with Medal of Honor, Call of Duty, they are to me my golden age of computer gaming.