severely underrated game. i deeply resent and hate noah antwiler for completely disgracing this game with his dumbfuck smoothbrain review series. anyway the OST bags hard and if you dislike it you're not getting into heaven.

Reviewed on Apr 14, 2020


3 years ago

Spoony's review gave me cancer. Did completely unnecessary draw-grinding (drew 100 SCAN) and then complained about how grindy the game was.

3 years ago

wanted to comment about what @gyoza mentions about draw-grinding. I find a lot of people have this problem with the game, and I always wonder why the game didn't just put a limit to how many of a spell enemies hold, and instead of giving everyone an infinite number of the spells they have drawable.

Also wanted to comment, I was very young when I saw Spoony's review back in the day (probably like 11) and it's kinda weird how the general mode of online review discourse at the time was pretty much based around a mode of discourse predicated on exaggerated anger. I found the review greatly entertaining at the time and mostly just really thought the game looked really cool and I wished I could play it. I have a weird relationship looking back at that kind of content. It introduced me to a world of games I never would've known about, but could only admire from afar through a kind of jealousy. I had so much free time to spend on watching videos about games cause I couldn't buy most and ps1 games were pretty pricy online. Looking at it now though and having the game in hand, I almost feel like an entire generation of people that were first at the table of online discussion and that were able to form online communities for the first time just didn't appreciate what they had, both with regards to the great games they talked about and with the privilege of the communication/platform they had (early youtube and gamefaqs and stuff)

3 years ago

To further run with the point on draw grinding, I think a draw limit for each enemy would have been a great idea! I also think that the game didn't do the best job of guiding the player towards a more efficient playstyle. To start with, the tutorials were rather confusing and also left out some important information. But also, the list of GF abilities were unintuitively named with lots of abbreviations, and by default, every GF would learn their entire "SumMag+" line of abilities first: a very expensive line of abilities that raised their summon damage, further pushing the player towards a tedious and inefficient playstyle (GF summon spam). Had the game prioritized magic-refining abilities first, I think a lot of players would naturally gravitate away from silly habits like draw-grinding.

Don't worry OP, we aren't ratio-ing you! But I saw the opportunity for nice discussion and grabbed it :)