When I first heard Persona 3 was getting a remake, I imagined it would provide a shiny new coat of paint on an enjoyable but flawed entry to the series. As more trailers trickled through in the lead-up to release, I got more excited for what could be much more than just a graphical update.

That's not to say the game hasn't undergone a gorgeous graphical overhaul. Persona 3 Reload is consistently breathtaking on stunning beaches or foreboding hellscapes. Hell, even the menus had me in awe of the sleek design, which, to Atlus' credit, has become standard for their games nowadays. Overall, the game feels like an animated film, and I mean that in the best way—just pure, unfiltered eye candy.

The gameplay of Persona 3/FES/Portable has always been the number one criticism of the entries. As such, I was ill-prepared for anything mind-blowing in that department. I've never been happier to be humbled, with Persona 3 Reload pulling no punches when it comes to innovating. Including quality-of-life mechanics, such as the 'Shift' pass, makes it much easier to wipe out hordes of Shadows easily. The Theurgy mechanic is a great addition that gives us a deeper insight into the characters while providing potent abilities. Throughout the main dungeon in the game, you are thrown curveballs, where some floors will have additional challenges, such as Monad doors, where you're given the option to fight brutal enemies for rare items used for crafting. These new challenges, along with some other gameplay mechanics, make the main dungeon much more engaging in my eyes and are a welcome addition.

In Persona 3 Reload, as with most Persona games, a social link mechanic rewards you for building friendships with powerful unlockables. This remake stays faithful to the original game, for better or worse. Unfortunately, the social links in this version can be a letdown. Some links feature poorly developed characters, making them a chore, while others could be more exciting.

However, Atlus did add some new events involving members of S.E.E.S., which was a welcome addition. These events helped understand the characters' motivations better and made the experience more enjoyable. I wish there had been more of these events and fewer involving the strange teacher.

Unfortunately, I didn't connect with the remixed soundtrack as much as the originals. That may be due to my love for the original soundtrack.

One of the most vital aspects of Persona 3 Reload is its narrative, which has remained essentially unchanged. There is no need for significant changes to the story since it was never a problem in the original game. The game straightforwardly delivers its message, making it easy for players to connect with.

In short, whilst the game has issues like some of the weirder social links and the soundtrack, this is still the definitive way to experience the beautiful, bittersweet story that is Persona 3. The wide array of additions makes this an absolute joy to play, and I'm already thinking about my next playthrough.

TL;DR: Fantastic, play this game if you can.

Reviewed on Mar 02, 2024
