it’s clear why this game was so good on release. there was nothing quite like it and it definitely pushed the genre and the industry forward. the narrative is told entirely through people and no cutscenes which is honestly really impressive. i do wish there was more explanations on what is going on however. the gunplay is fun and immersive, especially for 1998. it’s surprising how much you don’t want to put down a gun in half-life. it’s also a really good early stage of advanced enemy ai. you get to see reactive enemies with interesting behavioural and somewhat random patterns.

unfortunately, the game hasn’t aged all that well and the last couple missions are actually where it’s noticeable how outdated the game is. the levels are confusing messes and is just endless hordes of aliens. the final boss is also a very unsatisfying fight. you’re constantly dying just because you’re getting shot at non stop and are needed to move constantly. i wouldn’t replay half-life but i definitely appreciate it existing.

Reviewed on Apr 09, 2024
