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Last played

December 15, 2023

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My first playthrough that took over 200 hours over a span of 16 months because of how much it took for me to get used to this game personally, so it was a very long journey for me but in the end for the second half, it nailed everything I wanted. The only thing I want to get out of the way is that the first half is very tough especially with this combat system I love and hate so I'll get that out of the way and how the traversal feels very stiff like Dark Souls 1 stiff. Nearing the second half of the game though, I'll say the combat gets better with having a lot of flexibility with party members and the pacing is way better. Getting most of my complaints out of the way, let's talk about the good stuff already.

I've seen some other reviews talking about how this is the worst revenge story of all time, and it seems they either didn't finish it or simply media illiterate when that wasn't the whole point of the story at all. One of the best immersive JRPGs ever and you could just feel yourself getting sucked in the world and feel the whole world around you. Not going into spoilers too much but the whole plot setting on where it takes place which is two titans and this is important to the story and contributes to the world and the second half where it really takes off is one of the most awesome shits ever and I'm glad I finished this shit to experience it, just raw as hell. Shulk is one of my favorite characters especially with the way they handled his character overall in this game was just really good and I ended up really loving him with the rest of the cast that is super lovable and comfortable. This game absolutely isn't perfect but not a lot of games can be, but this is definitely for me and too bad for people who dislike this.

I was reluctant at first in the first half and nearing second half where they were going with Shulks character and the story main message but I'm glad the way it went and did what I really love. Seizing our own future, decide for ourselves on what we want to do and not let someone else control our destiny's walking along with other people towards a new tomorrow. That title screen after you finish this game with the main menu music playing is a special moment.

"Today, we use our power to fell a God. And then, Seize our destiny."