The most down to earth Spider-Man game there is and one of the best Iterations of Spider-Man ever. The exploration and focus of both Spider-Mans relationships with other people and a exploration of each Spider-Man’s character such as their own lives and feelings of everyday life and being Spider-Man was just beautiful. It's not just about Spider-Men itself but about who they are. Peter Parker & Miles Morales. This game is basically my dream video game made with my favorite spiderman villain, all types of mechanics for combat and traversing, where it went story wise and everything. It added stuff I really wouldn't expect that they would add outside of a comic and that surprised me a lot and I'm glad they did that.

Everything with the story beats were amazing and never did a point in the story feel like it was boring for me or a moment in time where I felt like it was stagnant. The last half of the story really shined, and it was absolutely amazing, I played on Spectacular as well and it felt like the right amount of difficulty as if you weren't dodging, you would be taking insane amounts of damage so you had to be parrying/blocking and perfect dodging align with learning enemy patterns and boss patterns, along with keeping up with your own upgrades for both spider-mans.

The setup for the next game is insane and the possibilities are unlimited. Insomniac has the keys to these Spider-Man games. They really do understand the fans and listen to the fans to make these games with love.

Be Greater. Together.

Reviewed on Oct 22, 2023
