[Note: I played and reviewed this game in 2022]
Even though technically speaking Demon’s Souls was the first souls like game, Dark Souls brought this type of game out into the mainstream gaming culture. Having played the Demon’s Souls remake, Dark Souls improves on many of the ideas that started in the original. This game introduced the maze like worlds that FromSoftware is known for today. The interconnected world featured in this game also happens to be one of my favorites in all of the souls/borne games. I still have such a clear mental picture in my head of how this world connects together. The gameplay itself is (obviously) the most fundamental version of what make a game a soulslike. Slow attacks and movement and bosses that hit hard, but still feel fair overall. It’s all just so fun, and the bosses in this game do such a great job of testing your skills in a progressive way throughout the game. I thought the remastered graphics were fine, although I probably would have appreciated the original graphics more. I would be so surprised if I came back to this game at any point in my life and felt like it didn’t hold up. this is an incredibly important game in gaming, and I can see that it is for a good reason.

Reviewed on Apr 26, 2023
