A fun shmup by developer Chunderfins. It has an excellent soundtrack, and a very cute pastel-looking art style.

It's a very accessible shmup. I didn't find the Normal clear hard to accomplish (although there is a harder mode called 'Moderate' for anyone looking for more challenge, which I will do one day). You have a meter that charges your shot, and you need to collect the large pickups that enemies drop to max it out. You have a meter that charges your bomb, and you need to collect the small pickups that enemies drop to keep filling it up. You get an extend every 500,000 points. You have a normal shot, and a charge shot that charges up if you keep your finger off the shot button for a few seconds. You also get a little squirrel friend every now and again as a pick up and he can help you out.

To score, you need to get combos with the charge shot, get collectibles and use your bomb for massive bullet cancels. There's 5 stages, with 6 bosses. Each stage is great, both thematically and mechanically. I really liked the bullet patterns in this one. The bosses are on the Touhou side while the stages remind me more of CAVE. This mix of styles is present in a lot of newer shmups, but I feel this game has done it the best so far.

The soundtrack is one of the biggest highlights here. I listen to it fairly regularly. It's excellent.

Reviewed on Jun 26, 2023
