I'll be mostly talking about the offline components, because I'm not currently subbed to PS+.

Tekken 8 is probably the most complete fighting game package I've seen in a while. I can see myself playing this for a long time, unlike most fighting games, which usually won't last more than a month for me.

The story mode is pretty incredible. It's only 3-4 hours long but it has a ton of production value, and the story of Jin seeking redemption for his past actions is surprisingly engrossing. A lot of it is because of how well the story sets the stakes, but also because of how entertaining the character interactions are. For example, Leroy giving Jin epic life lessons while fighting against each other in a tournament. Not to mention the occasional fun fan service moments too, Tekken has a long history to pull from and this story mode did it so well. If you're a life-long Tekken fan like myself, I can almost guarantee that you'll love this. It definitely pushes the bar for fighting game story modes.

There's also the Arcade Quest mode, which is basically a 1-2 hour long tutorial, packaged in a wholesome, cartoonish world where everybody's obsessed with Tekken. The tutorials themselves are quite informative and succinct, and the approachable structure of the mode eases you in for whenever you want to start your online battles journey, since it basically emulates that classic fighting game player zero-to-hero story.

And around those main two modes, the core and accessory gameplay features are well-realized.
- The Heat System is pretty awesome, it's all about encouraging aggressiveness while also rewarding smart plays, and so far it's working as intended.
- The Special Mode is definitely appreciated, I had my friend use it so he can just start playing against me without too much trouble, and it works great for that.
- Having the OSTs of all the Tekken games is amazing. I've been playing with the Tekken 4 OST (my personal favorite), and I can't tell you how satisfying it is to hear that OST being tied with infinitely better gameplay.
- The character customization is definitely a step up from Tekken 7, especially with how much nicer the graphics are, but it still could be improved IMO. I hope they add more options and clothes and stuff in the future.
- The quality of life training additions are very forward thinking. I love that the move list has a set of recommended moves now. And the new stuff you can do with the replays is so useful, like being able to take control of your character mid-replay so you can fix dropped combos and such. It will be hard to go back to other fighting games now.
- The new characters are great. I see Reina becoming another Tekken icon in the near future.

Tekken 8 is definitely a new peak for the franchise. I haven't felt this energized about Tekken since maybe Tekken 5. I hope they can keep the momentum up in the future updates and DLCs.

Reviewed on Jan 31, 2024

1 Comment

3 months ago

First Tekken entry I've wanted to buy and play since loving 3 back in the PS1 days.