It's the fifth time I finished this game, and somehow, I ended up liking this game even more than before. It's a honest attempt at a homage to the adventure movies of old, and it mostly felt like Naughty Dog were doing the best with the resources and experience they had. It's a big departure from their previous cartoony franchises, and they managed to stuck the landing. Most importantly, it sets the groundwork for future titles to improve on, and oh boy they certainly did just that.

Normally I would write a more detailed review here, but I did something slightly different: I wrote a "photo journal" instead! I took a lot of screenshots using the in-game photo mode throughout my playthrough, and I used them as the base for talking about my thoughts and feelings of the game. It ends up being similar to old video game magazine reviews, but much longer in word count. If you're interested, you can check it out by clicking here. Full spoilers warning! I won't be doing this too often but it was a very fun endeavor that I want to repeat again someday.

Reviewed on Aug 01, 2023
