koudelka sits in this very awkward spot in my rankings where it's too good to be less than okay but not good enough to be really good, yet it's still a super memorable game despite its overall messiness.
there's so much i love about this game honestly... the voice acting is surprisingly really good compared to games that came out during this time. also koudelka's drunken speech before encountering the final boss haunts me and almost made me cry because of how utterly raw it is. that was the moment i became convinced trudging through this game was worth it and also the moment koudelka shot up to the top in my "favorite characters in gaming" list. i love her!

Reviewed on Jul 31, 2021

1 Comment

2 years ago

I absolutely adore everything about this game, even (especially?) the messy parts. So many of the design decisions are unnecessary or make no sense but I love them all. Brilliant, one of a kind experience.