I'm not sure I like the setting much, but there were a lot of QoL improvements coming from Omega Ruby/Y. Seeing if a move you have is super effective if you've run into the Pokemon before is really nice, as is the dedicate pokeball-throwing button and the details on stat changes in effect in the current battle. The riding pokemon that deprecated HM slaves were great as well. I got partway through this game shortly after finishing my years-abandoned Omega Ruby save. I thought I was gonna play through all the games I missed and catch up to the new one around when Scarlet/Violet were coming out, but I kinda burned out before I made it that far. I had wanted to play through the standard version of Sun and then maybe Ultra Moon next to get a taste of some of the changes they made, but playing through a mostly-similar game twice in a row may be a bit much for me, if I ever even finish Sun.

Reviewed on Jul 19, 2023
