Valheim 2022

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> be a tiny dev team and release your game after many years in development
> generally a pretty fun game, a bit grindy but it doesn't really bother most people that much when everything is new and they're exploring the world for the first time
> sell millions of copies in the first weeks alone
> don't substantially expand the size of of your dev team with newly acquired wealth, buy a horse instead (real)
> downsize first roadmap for new content because: more players = more bugs and problems found that need taking care of
> majority of people stop playing with the intent of returning for new updates (as is expected)
> tiny dev team struggles with putting out new content at pace they had anticipated and makes basically no change to the regular progression
> big update comes out
> (most) people make new characters/worlds
> menial and grindy stuff that was easy to look past before is now thrust into the foreground, 'I can't wait to get all this [INSERT METAL] for our group so that we can go to the next biome and do it all over again slightly differently!!!'
> get bored

Of course this isn't true for everyone, and I personally think this game is pretty good! I've played a lot of it, but without friends there isn't much of an argument to made for it.. The real shame is how much potential there was (and there still is) for this game to evolve and improve, but with a small team it's a slow process.

Unless they adjust the progression somehow OR ship every new update with a machine that makes me forget everything about the game, I'm not coming back.
But it's probably in a great state if you haven't played it before!