Big surprise, tabletop RPG combat does not translate well into a video game combat system. I'd rather skip it.

wipes comically large bead of sweat off brow "Ermm.. you can ackhully talk.. your way.. out of.... lotsss.. of..- en-encounters-uhh" loses breath and has to lay flat on back
Wow that's actually freaking wholesome! Hmm, I'm pretty sure I can actually skip every single combat encounter if I just play something else..
takes deeeeep breath "Euuhrrmm.. feel free to miss.. out on the.. ah-MAY-zing-uh... RPG eluhmentss... and... storyyy.. uhghgg.."

If you want a well-written RPG, Disco Elysium just clears.
If you want BG3 but with passable combat just play DoS 2.

Reviewed on Apr 06, 2024
