Style over substance. Cool marketable concept with surface level beauty and zero depth. The puzzles are so easy I thoughtlessly stumbled through 90% of the game because every solution is immediately obvious once you understand the objective. It took me 5 hours to see the ending and of that time, only about 1-2 hours were actual gameplay. When you're not forced to witness the developers selling point, you are walking around needlessly huge levels to find a button or switch. I get that a big part of this game's style is the massive abstract architecture, but it is in direct conflict with the gameplay. Puzzles might seem difficult at first, but that's only because the puzzle elements are so spread out that it takes just as long to see the entire puzzle as it does to solve it.

In other words, this is a normie puzzle game. Maybe worth checking out if you've only played a couple puzzle games and putting blocks on buttons is still an exciting concept to you.

This review also doubles as a review for Portal 2.

Reviewed on Dec 10, 2022

1 Comment

1 year ago

P.S. another great example of how to do achievements wrong. "Thinking with Portals", "Waterbender", "Final Countdown" I love quirky pop culture references popping up in my super serious artsy puzzle game. Retarded.

P.P.S. Before I started playing I took a cursory glance at the achievements (not the secret ones, but the ones they want you to see) and there's an achievement in here called "Tree Tree Evolution" and the openly visible description is "grow a double gravity tree". There's like 5 cool things in this game and one of them is just spoiled by the devs in the achievements. As soon as I entered that level I knew it involved making the double tree, and the cool reveal they planned was ruined.