Devil May Cry 1 is a video game and I don't like it one bit. I'm not much of a fan of video games to begin with, but this one takes the cake. It's about fighting demons and I just don't understand why people find that enjoyable. Hitting things and making them go away doesn't seem like much fun to me.

The levels in the game are confusing and there's a lot of jumping and finding secret stuff, but I just don't see the point. The demons are always trying to get you and it's just not right. I don't like it when things try to hurt me in a game. It doesn't seem like good clean fun.

The story is silly and I don't understand it. The characters are boring and I don't care about them. They don't even talk right. It's like they're speaking in a different language. I don't like not being able to understand what's going on in a game.

The pictures in the game are not good at all. The people look like big blocks and they're not even pretty. The places are just boring too. And the camera is always getting in the way and I can't see what I'm doing. That just makes it all the more frustrating.

The voices in the game are just silly and they make me upset. They sound like they're laughing at me and it's not funny. I don't like it when people laugh at me, especially in a video game. It's supposed to be fun, not mean.

In conclusion, Devil May Cry 1 is just not my cup of tea. I don't understand why people like it. It's just a bunch of hitting demons and I don't see the appeal in that. I don't like video games to begin with and this one just confirms it for me. I'd rather be outside, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine, than sitting inside playing a silly game like this.

When I was growing up, video games were not a big thing. We didn't have all these fancy computers and consoles like they do now. We played outside, went fishing, and had good old-fashioned fun. And I think that's what's missing from these video games. They just don't have that sense of fun and adventure that we used to have.

And another thing, these video games are just too violent. I don't like seeing all that hitting and fighting. It doesn't seem like a good way to spend your time. I don't understand why people find it entertaining. It's just not right.

I also don't like the graphics in these video games. They just don't look real to me. They look like big blocks and it's hard to tell what's going on. I don't like that. I like to see things that look real, not like a bunch of blocks.

And the stories in these video games are just silly. I don't understand why people like them. They're just not interesting. And the characters are boring too. I don't care about them at all. I don't like feeling like I'm wasting my time.

So, in conclusion, I just don't like video games and Devil May Cry 1 is no exception. I think people should spend their time doing something productive, like gardening or woodworking, instead of wasting their time playing these silly games. They just don't make any sense to me and I don't see the appeal.

Reviewed on Feb 12, 2023
