This is one of those games that you just sit down and play, and play and play because there's a lot of controls and inputs to remember.
It becomes addicting to learn more the longer you play. I found myself just playing to get better. I'm not good at the game, I do ok, I have 1/3? of some sort of medal in vr missions, ive beat the game 3 official times, twice on normal and once on hard. I tried very hard and didnt make it out of the first area. My goal with most games like this is to get as much of the collectables as I can and keep enjoying the game and become absolutely overpowered. I started to wain on the game a little as it would take some time to get the rest of the weapon upgrades, already maxxed most of them out so I started the blade wolf campaign. The idea is to play through the DLC campaigns then take a break from it.

Reviewed on Sep 22, 2022
