Man I played this shit when I was a boo-hoo teenager and it hit so hard. "Yeah this is a pitiful form to inhabit, Raziel!"

Playing through this now 25 years later and shit is still solid. The mood is so gloomy and the PSX graphics make it even more gritty. Love running through flooded and muddy ruins and spearing sad excuses for vampires.

It does suffer from of those 90's camera issues (had to remap the camera turn) and the boss fights are mostly a let down. But the writing, mood, and environments are just that good moody shit hell yeah.

2/5 of "BC relives his teen years and plays all of LoK"

Reviewed on Apr 07, 2024


29 days ago

The intro cutscene at the very beginning of the game has a permanent spot in my brain. I can recite from memory on command, just some of the best writing and voice work ever put in a game.

29 days ago

@DKZK21 "I would choose oblivion over this existence!"