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While the first game was an unsightly bag of nothingness that attempted to replace genuine depth and empathy with a facade of understanding and compassion, it did possess a hard-to-point-out element that made it stand out from the crowd of similar-looking indie quasi-horror games.

But alas, the same cannot be said for Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk, as it not only perpetuates the flaws of its predecessor but also adds an additional layer of distastefulness. The game pretends to be thoughtful while actively romanticising mental illnesses and portraying its protagonist as a caged pet with whom you must sympathize and humour, despite lacking any genuine reason to do so. Surely, the production values may be greater in some ways, yet the speck of personality that was present in the series is now long gone; what was left behind is a subpar, edgy visual novel that has nothing to offer, evokes no emotions and leaves no impact.

This milk is making me sick.