Gimmicks inside a bag of shallowness inside a bag of apathy.

Though I always set my expectations very low so as to not get disappointed, Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk is an excruciating display of missed opportunity, barely touching the surface of important subjects and shoving pseudo-creepy imagery down the player's throat for a cheap sense of uneasiness. Conceptually, the game lives and dies by catharsis, yet the only emotion it evokes is indifference. You wish you could feel for the protagonist and the mental issues they represent, but it is nigh impossible on account of the feeble writing and shallower-than-paddle nature of the narrative surrounding it.

I appreciate what the game tries to say and depict, but it does everything without any nuance or depth and the overall message gets lost underneath the uninspired, shoddy gimmicks.

The milk is spoilt, it seems.

Reviewed on Mar 24, 2023
