Return to Monkey Island succeeds on the majority of fronts it needed to. It has good writing, great humor, fun and challenging puzzles which can require the series' mandatory amount of lateral thinking, and most importantly it has the soul of the original two games.

The music and sound design in general is great, and the art style, though overly plain in the very beginning area, is great and fits the game perfectly. I loved how LeChuck's ship looked. The hint system is also good, allowing you to get very mildly escalating hints, so if you feel completely stuck and just need the tiniest amount of prodding to move you along, the help is there.

The ending is somewhat controversial. I personally thought that the way it ends was great in terms of its thematic implications, however it was pretty abrupt. If it had been executed instead with a bit more fanfare then I might have gone with a higher rating.

To people like me who grew up with the games, I can easily recommend this one. And to people who have never played one of these games before, I can easily recommend playing the first two before this one, they still hold up to this day and even have modern versions with a few updated tweaks.

Reviewed on Sep 30, 2022
