I gave this a try but found it's vibes just a little too eerie for my comfort. While certainly not overt or tasteless, it just reminded me of childhood anxiety issues too much.

It was not for me, but I would still at least suggest trying it.

Reviewed on Nov 25, 2023


5 months ago

Hey would you elaborate on what you found too eerie? Just curious! There were definitely plenty of little moments and one level in particular towards the end where my anxiety really spiked

4 months ago

@lightningzero: There doesn't seem to be a way to directly respond to you comment but even as I played only abut a scant two hours of the game, the sounds, the visuals, the characters all felt a little "off" for my tastes. I at one point I accidentally pressed the tail whack button instead of the interact button around one of the main character's younger siblings and got yelled at in a very abrupt way and have to leave the map to interact with them again. When I enetered the tomb area in the first world I felt profoundly uncomfortable.

I don't know, despite a lack of hazards, I felt incredibly vulnerable the whole time.

4 months ago

@bigchallenges I get what you mean. I don't think that feeling ever really goes away. Some later areas definitely feel like nightmares I had when I was young so I was curious about how other people experienced the game and in what ways it affected them. Thank you for the reply!