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Among the series so far, ghost of sparta seems to be just the worst, It is the least enjoyable both in terms of story which, unlike CoO tries to add more story to intertwine with the first two games but fails to leave any impression other than Kratos is a bigger dick than when he decided to kill the dude in the hydra, when this time he decides to sink Olympus for extensively no reason. Combat is also a step down, adding a new fire mechanic which causes some issues, being mapped to R1/R2, which by itself is not a problem but adding to the fact that holding both Left and Right Bumper buttons cause you to roll, means that using it can cause you many unnecessary hits. Changing armored enemies to necessitate this power means that you are likely going to feel many more unfair hits than in previous games. On top of this, Magic is now mapped to the D-Pad, which feels less responsive than the trigger with some noticeable lag, meaning it is only useful when you know what is going to occur rather than naturally in a fight.
One of the problems that stuck with me most is the checkpoint system, although the same as most of the games, seems to present itself as such an inferior version just to how many of them are placed. Although in CoO, I wasn't thrilled with the final checkpoint forcing you to watch the opening cutscene, It feels like every checkpoint in this game places itself as far away from the area that will kill you as possible, or right before 3 minutes cutscenes. Because of this, it made those frustrating hits even worse. I imagine any playthrough after this will skip this game as it just ended up being a frustrating experience.

Reviewed on Oct 05, 2023
