Echo night is an oddity from the playstation library. The goal of the game is to find you're father but the game isn't quite so clear on how or why you are doing it the way you are. You start by jumping into a painting, into the past, where apparently your father is. On top of this there are also ghosts, an alien, and a man possessed by the devil who has killed everyone on the ship.

The game is considered a survival game, but your survival is to turn on lights, which you can almost always do by looking to the left or right as you open a door and turning on the light. Puzzles are very basic usually, just someone has lost X item, and you need to give it back to them. In terms of how it looks, I think it was pretty good, and clear, especially compared to earlier fromsoft. It is very clear when someone it evil and when someone is good, and the music is pretty nice too. But the basic gameplay, bizarre story, along with the less outdated King's Field I'm not sure I would easily recommend someone play it.

Reviewed on Oct 06, 2023
