Completion Criteria: Ending C

I'm really happy for Armored Core Fans who got this game after so Long and I'm really happy to see FromSoft successfully escape from the Souls pit they've been stuck in since Dark Soul's (I think they had an armored core after Demon's). But having picked at previous games in the series, this is a clear indicator that these games aren't for me.

I find there is a very clear difference between a game like this where a build can absolutely matter and Souls where a build only really matters if you are attempting to play in a silly fashion. Going into a fight early in the game (Wallclimber) and realizing my suit is completely wrong to get behind the boss Is a kick in the face because at that early level, you don't have the money to swap quickly, instead you have to exit the mission, look through the shop, maybe grind. So when this happened twice within the first chapter I was ready to give up on the game. I didn't but I took a little break, I came back, did some grinding, got some weapons and beat the boss. This is only really an issue at the beginning.

At this point I was already getting comments from people surprised that I bounced off since I love FromSoft games and this game is "easy" and the reputation it got was due to the same huge issues I have with trading card games which is they present to you huge variety of options, and then the way people expect you to play is to find something good and maximise it. Buying two sets of weapons and spamming them isn't fun (no offence to those who like it) and the game is just not designed for that. After beating the game I opted to try some stuff I saw online and missions would last less then a minute, some bosses would not even get there voice lines out. Truly bizarre that people enjoy this. The problem is that when a is designed as armored core does, you feel like you are fighting the system by attempting to be well rounded.

Whilst I really like the story a lot more then expected, the game did not need 3 full playthroughs. I enjoyed the first and third, but the second was almost entirely unnecessary. and only added a handful of changes while hoisting a chunk of playtime, making sure I didn't miss any of those hidden tidbits.

Glad I played it but my curiousity has been slated. In the future Armored Core won't be a day one purpose. I'll let minmaxers enjoy the game. While I wait for a sale.

Reviewed on Jan 05, 2024
