Completion Criteria: Specter's pants stolen

A weird game. As a concept it's so bizarre that it's worth noting. A game about cleaning pants by stealing them with a vacuum cleaner. These types of games have never really been the types I enjoy but maybe the titular saru's are enough to warm me up to any concept. While the game is pretty tedious sometimes, it can be kind of fun in others. Something that I will ignore that would factor into the previous thought though is the Expert Mode which unlocks when you complete the main scenario. In this mode, your vacuum is worse, the monkeys are faster and capsule placement is changed while your timer is reduced moderately. The couple of levels I tried were definitely a step into a more interesting scenario but having looked it up, there are no extras to be gleemed so I thought this was a better stopping point to move on to a new game.

Overall worth a shot just because it's bonkers. But it's easy to see this not being your cup of tea. Treat the game as it is, a bizarre side game. At least watch the intro which comes up the game nicely as some weird idea

Reviewed on Jan 15, 2024
