Completion Criteria: Main Story, Arcade Quest, All Character Episodes + Decent Practice

I'm not by any means a fighting game pro or expert. I play them a lot at a casual level. For me, Tekken has always been one of the easiest games to approach, not because it's button mash friendly but because it teaches you frame data without teaching you frame data. Unlike a lot of fighting games on the market. noticing how safe things can be can be difficult due to how animations are set. But Because animations are so full here. Its quite easy to recognize when a move gives you advantage and when things can be juggled.

With that out of the way. Tekken 8 is still great fun. It seems an unpopular opinion but I wasn't a fan of the story mode really. It was very anime in the sense that nothing else mattered but the journey of friendship and super powers. While Tekken 7 was a story about a father and son, Tekken 8 feels like a story about forgiving one's self. Except he shouldn't. He started a world war. Even if it was for a reason, no one seems to care about all the people who died. Miguel, who's whole story is about revenge due to this world war is not involved at all in a story he would fit right in and so it all ends with a bubbly happy ending that kind of feels forced.

The gameplay feels much better then I expected from the trailers. I was worried about Heat Gauge as it felt a bit too offensive but playing the game this is less of an issue. Although Corner carrying is insane in this game and I prefered the rage drive system from the previous game. It's not game ruining.

Balance may be a bit of an issue at the moment. A lot of character feel stronger even at lower levels. Kuma, and Victor specifically stand out.

I feel like even though tekken has always been loved. It sometimes gets the treatment that it's the "normie" fighting game, but it feels like this game might have turned that around. It's the "normie" fighting game because it's accessible, but playing at a high level is hard. Really hard. Maybe near the top of the fighting game scale.

Music slaps as always and every song can be replaced by songs from previous games with a few exceptions. How can you compete with that

Arcade Quest is...fine. It's what I expected and a decent tutorial for people getting into the game for the first time.

Character customization is probably the worst part of the game. Right now, it feels like a step down from Tekken 7. It feels overly restrictive with some costumes/hairstyles only being available per character. This is especially apparent if you played something like Soul Calibur which has some incredible customization options. When a customization doesn't even let me change the eye color, you have to sit down and wonder how much time you want to invest in an idea that won't work out.

Reviewed on Mar 13, 2024
