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Bland and boring objectives, missions are repetitive as hell, enemy variety is poor, graphics are dull.

Customization while having a decent amount of options is really quite basic and there's no need to change up builds to fit the level/mission (as I was expecting from what I heard). This leaves me scratching my head as to why I'd ever want to jump into the customization with any real passion, none of it is even remotely required to advance the game at a reasonable pace.

The whole garage section (buy parts, customize AC, etc) is all done in a basic menu which is a let down. I remember playing a mech game that let you explore the garage and look up at your giant mech to see the size of it. I'd have enjoyed perhaps watching the mech parts be moved and replaced from ground level, to be impressed by the scale. As it is, it's just a basic little menu and gives no sense of awe. Considering this game has two phases - garage and combat, it feels underwhelming when half of the game is a basic little menu. They could have done so much more.

Story is just "there". It's about as average (or below average) as can be. Your character's personality is, uh, well you have none. Imagine if those calls you get had depth, like in MGS games. Imagine if your character was like, a character. That would be nice. I don't care about anyone or anything that's happening in the plot. I'd like to, but how can I care about one dimensional characters, or my own character that... isn't even a character.

This game basically has 2 things going for it - a pretty good combat system and no glitches or bugs, at least so far. PvP might be fun too but I haven't touched that yet.

It's a 5/10, carried heavily by the raw fun gameplay and zero technical issues so far.