This game surprised me, Having played the second game first I kind of knew what was to expect but boy was I wrong.

This game captures south park and references the show a bit more then what the fractured but whole does. From an 8 bit "blame canda" theme playing at a certian part of the map (no spoilers here!) In a reference to the 1999 film. And either posters or dialogue from buddy's that go back to previous episodes.

Whilst the fractured but whole has a better combat system (in my opinion), this games combat fit what it was trying to be. I went for the platinum for this game and fell short because of one missed collectable (I'm going to replay the game from that moment to get the last trophy).

Onwards to the next adventure for me but to quote the fractured but whole "DUDE! YOUR TAKE ON RPG WAS DATED!" - kyle

Reviewed on Apr 23, 2023
