Ys returns and delivers one of the best entries in the series to date. Let's look at why this game is a must play for fans of JRPG's.

Story: Series lead Adol Christin returns aboard a ship, accompanied by his mate Dogi as they sail to a distant land. Along the way a massive monster destroys the ship and strands the crew on a mysterious island with a dubious legend. The quest is on to gather all of the survivors and find a way off the island. Along the way you'll experience some fantastic storytelling that creates some of the most endearing characters I've experienced in a game.

Gameplay: While it isn't setting any new standards or breaking new ground for adventure RPG's it does boast a very tight and solid game loop. I could ask for a bit more depth to the combat system but what's there is more than fine.

Graphics: I am unfortunately at a point in my life where convenience rules above all for gaming, and as such the Switch is my main platform. They had to cut a lot of corners to get this game on the hardware, and it shows in several places. The thing is, the rest of the game was so good that I'm totally fine with it. Aside from noticing the shortcuts, it didn't detract from my experience. However, that may not be possible for some so if graphics are a huge part of how you enjoy a game then I highly recommend you experience it on one of the other platforms. The island is lush and colorful though, and the creatures you fight look pretty awesome.

Overall: If you are a fan of RPG's then I highly recommend this title. This installment stands well even if you've never played an Ys title before. The experience is well worth it and your time won't be wasted. I could easily see myself playing through this again if Ys XI: Monstrum Nox somehow fails to give me the same feeling when it comes out next year. I thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it.

Reviewed on Jul 21, 2020
