The rare licensed game that actually does its license justice, for the most part. Not only does it feel incredibly authentic to the original cartoon and its world, but it also manages to be a well-designed and enjoyable game just by itself. It felt like they wanted to make a good game first and foremost rather than just cash in on a popular IP.

What we have here is a Super Mario 64-esque collectathon platformer featuring SpongeBob and his cohorts. Exactly what you'd expect, more or less, but it's a well-made one with strong level design, fun objectives, varied gameplay and tight controls. It's just a fun game in general, with a decent amount of content and plenty of memorable moments. If I had to criticize anything, I'd say that there were some very annoying levels here. Kelp Forest's objectives just aren't very enjoyable, and Rock Bottom was a total pain in the ass to navigate. The game also could have used some more time in the oven; I often encountered really strange bugs and graphical glitches that, while not game-breaking, were definitely a bit offputting and strange.

What really elevates this title is its pin-point accuracy to the cartoon it's based off of. No other game has managed to get as close to feeling like a playable episode of SpongeBob as this has. As someone who grew up watching the show, exploring this digital recreation of Bikini Bottom was a delightful experience. The writing is very on point; the dialogue in this game does a great job at capturing the style of humor the series usually has, and all of the characters feel just like their normal selves. You can really tell that the people behind this were fans of the show, because there was clearly of love and care put into this project. While this really isn't anything mind-blowing, it is nevertheless a charming and enjoyable experience that is well worth playing, especially if you like the show in question. If you loved SpongeBob as a kid like I did, this game will take you right back to your childhood. Quite enjoyed this one.

Reviewed on Sep 07, 2023
