Because why the hell not, there's Jak and Daxter racing game. Considering how Naughty Dog's previous franchise went, I guess it makes sense. This is not a kart racer, so don't go in expecting it to play or handle like one. The gameplay is very fast paced and fun, with decent challenge and fun weapons to use. The CPU players can definitely be rather aggressive, but the challenge felt pretty balanced and fair overall. There's plenty of varied game modes to play, alongside very strong track design and a lot of cars you can cosmetically tweak and tune the performance of. Pair this with an incredible heavy rock soundtrack and an entertaining storyline, and you get a robust and well-built package that's very fun to play with plenty of explosions and mayhem to experience. Overall, Jak X is rock-solid and very much worth a play.

The PlayStation 4 port could have used work, mainly when it comes to performance, but when the alternative is running into an auto save bug that could easily nuke my entire Memory Card with 10+ years of save data on it, I'll take the laggy but safe version any day. Plus, the trophies are a nice perk and fun to unlock in this game.

Reviewed on Nov 22, 2022
