When this game is doing something right, it's absolutely knocking it out of the park. The boss fights are better, the combat system is deeper, the map is larger, and the web swinging is somehow even more fluid. Switching between Peter and Miles is great, and this game makes incredible use of the PS5 with almost zero load times and seamless switches between gameplay and cutscene. The web wings are a godsend for movement, and the game is full of fun easter eggs and collectibles. Make sure you do the side missions! They're almost better than the main story at points. This is one of the best adaptations of the symbiote story, and I love how creative they get with the plot in this. It's the first Spider-Man media to ever convince me that Kraven is actually a cool character.

However, there are some drawbacks. I do feel like Miles is a bit underutilized in the story, and the suits and much more underwhelming than the first game (I only found like 4-5 on each character I actually liked using). The main story also lacks some cohesion compared to how masterfully crafted the first game's was in my opinion, but it's still really solid. I think I just prefer my Spider-Man stories a bit more grounded than this gets at times with world-ending threats and such, but it's truly a fantastic game I had a great time with. The gameplay and balance in this game far exceeds that of the first game, so it all depends what you're looking for. I really hope there's a DLC to continue the story!

Reviewed on Nov 20, 2023
