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Time Played

2h 20m

Platforms Played


There are criminally few plays on this for how unbelievably good this is. I went in expecting a shitpost RPGMaker game and left with tears in my eyes. The writing early on is incredibly witty and tight. I really don't want to spoil anything, but the game takes heavy inspiration from a certain ARG, and is one of the first I've played to do so. The visual style is unique and immediately reminiscent of said ARG. I didn't even know 3D was possible in RPGMaker and now I'm kind of interested in firing it up again. The music must have been a priority with how much was put into it, with several vocal tracks riding somewhere between Daniel Johnston and Neutral Milk Hotel. Just so many surprises with how much heart, wit and soul exude from such a small package. It's free on Steam and I implore you to give it a shot.