It's a solid PS2 platformer, occasionally contrived, gets kind of tedious in the later levels and on lap 2, but has it's moments. The hub area and Gatcha machine are really cute, possibly the best way of implementing bonus content I've ever seen. There are no two levels with identical theming, but 4 (kind of a stretch) of the 20 worlds are conceptually original. Characters are cute, bosses are memorable.There are moments, such as the Macaque hot spring, the Enter the Dragon tribute and a lot of the unique variant monkeys, but it's like I've played before in other B-Grade platformers. The descriptor that got stuck in my head while playing was "Mario Galaxy 0.5".The last couple levels are absurdly long and difficult for how otherwise easy the game was and kind of bogged down the experience, as I got a game over at the very end of the final level and had to replay all 30 minutes of it (when most of the other levels never gave me more than a death). Didn't bother with the post-game. It's fun and cute, but not something special enough I want to come back to. Will probably play 3 at some point, though.

Reviewed on Oct 01, 2023
