Within the first ten minutes of this game I thought wow, this is gonna break my top 10, which is kind of insane. I think that was 60% 'right game right time' and 40% the game itself.

The real strengths of this game are the voice acting, story and pacing. The writing is incredibly compelling and the drip feeding of story works really well, just enough at each interval. I've seen some critique that the levels were a little repetitive, I can see why but didn't find this myself (maybe another case of right game right time).

My main issues with the game were the lack of difficulty progression throughout the game and the ending itself. I know you can change the difficulty (to an intense degree) but there seemed to be no development of difficulty once you'd started which was frustrating as the last few levels didn't really build to the ending. The ending itself was a little lacking for me, perhaps that was intended.

Ultimately a solid 4* from me but I diagnose a highly probable case of timing. Definitely worth playing, maybe when you're going through something.

Beautiful game and soundtrack but good lord, some sections are frustrating. Sometimes you feel so cool and like you have the mechanics down, then you have to escape an owl making 0 mistakes and want to throw your switch out of the window. All in all, enjoyable but a huge contributor to my recent disdain for owls.

Mr. Mont. Gomery! Stop it. They know tap tap tap!

I do be loving Dave though I worry about overfishing.

As many have echoed, the sentiment behind this game being free earns it a special place in my heart.

This beautiful game is well crafted, interesting, funny and full of great ideas. I spent a lot of time over Christmas losing myself in this game. That said, I didn't make a tonne of progress...

This is definitely a game I'll come back to when I have a bit more time and the brain space to think a bit more about what I'm doing but an easy recommend.

Possibly the best game I've played for at least five years. Scratched every gaming itch I have, the ability to play your own way, change dynamics, get to know fascinating characters, intriguing story, breaking the fourth walls. Technically fantastic and never a dull moment in the game. Rare that I simultaneously never want a game to end and can't wait to play it again.